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The Decompression Machine Makes a Difference

Some people have asked about the decompression training I received and the machine we use.

Beginning in the mid-1990s the technology of decompression was developed. I heard about it in 2005 when a doctor I respect told me of the amazing results he was getting in his clinic and inside a hospital. He hired radiologists, orthopedic spinal surgeons, neurologists, and exercise physiologists to develop protocols to implement this new field of spinal decompression. He also brought in the most experienced chiropractic doctors in the field to teach his students all the information to properly implement the procedure. I flew to Tampa, FL for this training every few months for over a year to learn spinal decompression and to be certified by his organization, the SpinalAid Centers of America. I evaluated numerous tables over that time and I purchased the best on the market, which is still the standard, the Hill DT table aka HealthStar Elite, which is a 3rd-generation spinal decompression machine. Here's a link to the Hill DT: CLICK HERE

This is an FDA-cleared, GENUINE spinal decompression table. Here is the link to the FDA website with a list of the true decompression tables: CLICK HERE


Unfortunately, some clinics market all kinds of devices claiming they're doing "decompression" but I've seen many of these to be false advertising, to be direct about it.

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Additionally, some doctors claim their old DRX9000 machine is the "best", which is a joke. It's the old, original decompression table from the 1990s. You can tell it's old because it has a TV embedded in the chassis...a TUBE TV! While this machine did work, it was hard on the patient and was sloppy technology, using a cable to do the pulling, vs the Hill DT which is direct-drive; much easier on the patient and more specific to decompress the disc.

Most doctors with the old, DRX9000 that I've seen use it for storage now as they've bought a newer and better machine, like our Hill DT.

OLD TECHNOLOGY MACHINE (DRX9000) now used as storage

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Here is a picture of our patients receiving spinal decompression treatment. We have 2 decompression tables and keep the room lights down for their comfort:

In my opinion, our machine is superior for patient comfort and is the best on the market to decompress discs. You can't beat results and for nearly 20 years this machine has done the job for hundreds of our patients.

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