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Nutritional "Biohacking" Advice


In just the past few years there has been an EXPLOSION of interest in the SCIENTIFIC study of longevity and what each of us CAN do to have a healthy lifespan, now called "HEALTHSPAN", which means to live a long time and be healthy enough to continue to enjoy life, even when old or very old. It's the idea of living a long time and then dying healthy, if that makes sense.

"Biohacking", which basically means do-it-yourself to get healthy, has become the buzzword of the quest to discover and promote these obvious, as well as the previously unknown, secrets to a long healthspan. I've had a keen interest in this topic since 2008 and now the world is catching on! I listen to longevity podcasts, watch videos, study research, and have read and listened to several very detailed books on this subject. I've gotten quite an education and am sharing it with you on this page and other pages as I build out my longevity "healthspan" program as the "AgeStrong Doc".

Please, take my advice as given here. You and those you care about can have a MUCH healthier, and longer life if you implement some or all of these into your daily routine.

Note: Some of the links pay me a (small) commission. I do NOT offer any advice I don't follow myself.


A GREAT resource is Dr. Steven Gundry's podcast. He is a world-famous heart surgeon who has become an expert in natural health and longevity. His best-selling books are packed with eye-opening information.

If weight loss is a primary concern, look on the Weight Loss page I've created on this website. You can also click HERE

One podcast had his "Top-10" supplements to take. I'm proud to say I already was recommending 9 of them, and the other one started my quest for information on C-15, which is DEFINITELY a must-have. Here's the link to his "Top-10 Most Important Supplements" CLICK HERE.

NOTE: the information on these pages is not meant to be construed as medical advice nor is meant to replace advice given following blood or other testing, or professional advice given by your medical professional. It is provided for informational purposes ONLY.

Here are some IMPORTANT nutritionals, including some LONGEVITY breakthroughs you've probably never heard about!


By adding some or all of these you may experience a DRAMATIC improvement in your health, in addition to a change in pain levels, blood sugar, mental acuity, skin appearance, and many other benefits.


Here are my TOP Supplements you MUST take to get healthy and stay healthy.



Omega-3. TEST, don't GUESS

Our foods are FILLED with's CRIMINAL in my opinion. We are consuming 17 times more of the INFLAMMATORY Omega-6 fats than we did 25 years ago. No wonder chronic disease is skyrocketing.


Omega-3 fatty acids are so important for decreased inflammation and brain health; important for preventing things like dementia, along with many other benefits. HOW DO YOU KNOW IF IT IS WORKING or is a WASTE?

TAKE THE HOME BLOOD TEST! Order this product with the blood test and find out for yourself. 99% of Americans are IMBALANCED.


My video below covers the may shock you!

Also, here is a website I created with all the important information: CLICK HERE

To place an order click on the following link, and you'll receive the blood test you do at home, and the first months' supply of the Omega-3 BalanceOil+. Go on the monthly subscription and they'll send another test FREE after 4 months so you can see how well it works for you. CLICK HERE to order

Ionic Minerals
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Minerals: I believe this is the best product on the market and I've been taking it for years. It's an Ionic form of LIQUID MINERALS. It comes from plant sources and it tastes good. 1-3 ounces a day and you'll get 65-70+ trace and ultra-trace minerals absorbed into your body. This has been a game-changer for many of my patients over the years. Here is a Fact Sheet on the product: CLICK HERE


EVERYONE with degenerative discs who are undergoing decompression should take this product. It provides important building blocks to rebuild the discs.


To order the best mineral product I've found, (order 4 bottles at a discount) go to this page. It's the Ionic Minerals. If you want a variety of vitamins as well, order the Strong OG. TO ORDER CLICK HERE


I highly recommend listening to the BEST talk on the subject, the one that changed my life, it's called "Dead Doctors Don't Lie. Learn Why the Lifespan of the Average MD is only 58 Years" by Dr. Joel Wallach CLICK HERE

For a brief SUMMARY of "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" CLICK HERE

NAC + Glycine

This MUST TAKE supplement is Glycine plus N-Aceytl L-Cystine Ethyl Ester AKA "GlyNAC-ET". This boosts a very important chemical in the body called glutathione (I've been preaching to the rafters about glutathione and mitochondria since 2008). I discovered this chemical a couple of years ago and now everyone's catching up. This is 20 times more bioavailable than regular NAC. Here's Dr. Steven Gundry discussing what glutathione is, why you cannot simply eat glutathione (it's too large), and the proper supplement to take to boost it (hint: it's this form. I was ahead of Gundry on this): CLICK HERE

Here's the link to ORDER this product: CLICK HERE


Essential Minerals...age 1-100

GlyNAC-ET...age 25+


This may explain WHY OBESITY HAS EXPLODED and why health has DECLINED since the mid-1970s

A RECENT DISCOVERY by Navy Veterinarians working with dolphins has led to the discovery of something missing in our diets since the 1970s, a fatty acid found in the milkfat of cows, sheep and goats called C:15, brand name "Fatty15".

This is now a TOP recommendation if you're fighting your weight!



Scientists and health biohackers are stunned that this was discovered. The company believes they're going to change the world because they found something with MASSIVE health implications.


There is WAY too much for me to even touch the subject. The company has put together a comprehensive website you can nerd out on if you'd wife and I did.

CLICK HERE for a deep dive into this incredible discovery!


CLICK HERE to get 15% off your first 3-month supply

(using code DRRIK).

BTW the formula in C:15 is 100% Vegan.

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THIS is a recently-discovered BREAKTHROUGH product! It's called Urolithin-A. GOOGLE search Urolithin A. Here's Dr. Gundry talking about it: CLICK HERE It's one of the greatest discoveries for longevity. I'm psyched about it because it affects MY FAVORITE biohacking part of the cell, the MITOCHONDRIA. This induces mitophagy...look it up! There are very expensive brands out there but I found one that has gotten high ratings on Amazon for much less. CLICK HERE

Here is what else my wife and I take for supplements.

My wife Rebeccah (who also has a chiropractic degree and is passionate about health and nutrition) and I have spent YEARS studying the research and are now sharing below the supplements we take, some of which are NEW (like Fatty15 (C:15), Urolithin A and Akkermansia), and some we've taken for years.

We believe investing in your HEALTH pays the greatest long-term dividends over any other place to put your hard-earned money. addition to the supplements above, here are the others we recommend.

Many of the products I recommend are available on Fullscript. Simply create an account and you'll receive a 20% discount and FREE Shipping on orders of $50+. This video explains how to create a Fullscript Account and how to order:


















Click Visit my store or: CLICK HERE

The Gut Microbiome May be The Controller of Our Health!

I'm TOTALLY blown away by the recent discoveries of the IMPORTANCE of having a healthy gut...called the microbiome. The "bugs" in our gut TELL our BRAIN what to do! Dr. Steven Gundry's book "Gut Check" spun my head as well as pretty much all biohackers on the subject.

There's a NEW Netflix show worth watching called, "Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut". This will give you a lot of the basics on what's blowing my mind!

I HIGHLY recommend watching it. Here is a link to their website: CLICK HERE

BREAKTHROUGH probiotics are available through Pendulum. They created the first lab that can grow anaerobic gut bacteria, it had NEVER been done before! You can order at Fullscript (below) for a 20% discount and Free Shipping. Akkermansia is the MOST IMPORTANT for your gut, so for serious health problems, take that one. We take their Metabolic Daily which has Akkermansia and 3 others. If you have blood sugar issues the Glucose Control is proven to lower A1C levels by the gut bacteria alone! The NEW GLP-1 product has PROVEN to help decrease cravings leading to WEIGHT LOSS! This is part of the healthspan puzzle!

A DEEP DIVE discussion is on our YouTube page: CLICK HERE

Patient Handouts:

To order, create a Fullscript Account and receive 20% off: CLICK HERE

Akkermansia CLICK HERE 

Glucose Control CLICK HERE

Metabolic Daily CLICK HERE

Polyphenol Booster CLICK HERE

NEW: GLP-1 Weight Loss. Naturally Cures Cravings AMAZING! CLICK HERE

Pendulum Nutrition Guide (Excellent) CLICK HERE


Choose Pendulum Products on the Fullscript site with 20% off: CLICK HERE

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Most people are VERY LOW in magnesium and it's IMPORTANT for about 300 body functions! It's a CHALLENGE to get enough from our's just not in the soils like it used to's that simple.

Men should get 400-420mg/day and women 310-320mg/day. On my Fullscript page, you'll see my recommended Magnesium products.

For BRAIN HEALTH, take the Mercola brand Magnesium Threonate. It's cost-effective and won't create digestive upset.


Before bed we take the Glycinate form of Magnesium (pictured below) has the added benefit of helping you SLEEP soundly. We can attest to that! Buy the Mercola Mg Threonate and the Pure product from Fullscript for a 20% discount CLICK HERE

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Vitamin C
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This is VERY IMPORTANT to take. We've been promoting larger quantities of Vitamin C since 1994. You're probably lower on it than you think. This Vitamin C powder provides about 1400mg per tiny scoopful. I take 2 scoops a day in my protein shake. Take up to 1000mg/hour if you're getting sick (stop at the point you reach diarrhea according to Dr. Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize Winner) Order from Fullscript for a 20% discount CLICK HERE

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We also take extra Vitamin C with these Pure Brand capsules. It's more convenient than the powder and we take that first thing in the morning. Humans NEED a lot of Vitamin C! Order from Pure on Fullscript for a 20% discount CLICK HERE

Vitamin D3 and K2
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Vitamin D3 is vital and many people are deficient, even in California. It's IMPORTANT for a LOT of things, INCLUDING your gut health, who knew? You need Vitamin K2 with the D3. This is what we take. See Pure Encapsulations on Fullscript for a 20% Discount: CLICK HERE


NMN is one of the greatest recent discoveries for Anti-aging. Google search Dr. David Sinclair's information; he has done several interviews with Joe Rogan about this. This powder is the best we've found for the price. We never miss taking it daily. Buy directly: CLICK HERE


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This is the B-complex vitamin supplement we take daily. Has methylated B12 and methylated folate, which is what you want. Order from Thorne on Fullscript for a 20% discount: CLICK HERE

The supplements above this header are, in my opinion, NECESSARY for good health and longevity (healthspan). We take them ALL every day. As I've said, investing in your HEALTH pays the BEST dividends long-term in overall happiness and well-being. Poor health, ESPECIALLY as we get older, is probably the WORST thing we can control...and you must take positive steps immediately and regularly to get well and stay well. That's why we spend the money our future selves are healthy and active, and that will make us HAPPY as well.

The items below are OPTIONAL but we take most of them as well...I indicated the ones we take, and we do these daily as well. NOT ESSENTIAL like the ones above, but HELPFUL. It's all about choices, and we choose to do everything we can, based on research, to stay well! You can choose to join with us as well!

Protein Powder


THORNE Protein Powder. We've tried MANY products and this one has the right combination of protein source and price. Vegan is also available from Thorne on Fullscript. Get a 20% discount and Free Shipping: CLICK HERE



Creatine is a very important supplement for maintaining and increasing muscle growth. It's NOT just for weightlifters! Not a must-have but if you are trying to build muscle it makes a big difference. We take this one every day from THORNE. Order on Fullscript for a 20% discount: CLICK HERE

MCT Powder for Coffee Creamer and other uses

The BEST Keto-friendly MCT powder I've found, and it tastes great. Put it in your coffee instead of milk or other creamers and it will not break your intermittent fast, and get some MCT into your body. This is BETTER than MCT and butter (butter has some downsides. Available through Amazon: CLICK HERE



MCT Oil If you've been hearing about the health benefits of being in "Ketosis" you've probably heard about the miraculous benefits of MCT oil. It comes from coconut oil and helps you BURN FAT! Put some extra on your salads, in coffee (I put some in mine every day), and everywhere else you can squeeze it has fantastic effects on your metabolic health. This brand has both caprylic (C8) and capric (C10) fatty acids which are the ones that work. Order from Amazon: CLICK HERE

Olive Leaf Extract

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We recommend taking Extra Virgin Olive Oil DAILY.  Dr. Gundry says the purpose of eating is to get as much olive in your body as possible every day! We have olive oil at least once a day.


Costco's Kirkland brand is EXCELLENT. There are so many health benefits! Take a tablespoon by itself every day (and put it on your salad along with avocado and balsamic vinegar).

For added convenience, you can take these Olive Leaf capsules as well. Easy to travel with.

Olive Leaf Extract provides many of the crazy benefits of olive oil in a convenient capsule. Olive Leaf extract helps to promote a healthy environment for cells. Supports the immune system and promotes a healthy feeds your "gut buddies". Order from Pure on Fullscript for a 20% Discount CLICK HERE



Taurine has been shown to help the brain and energy production in older adults as we don't make as much when we age. You'll see Taurine in energy drinks. It's recently become a longevity discovery...some indications are a 30% improvement in experimental lifespan...and It's cheap. It's not a MUST HAVE but the evidence is there that it's worth the inexpensive price. We take 3000 mg/day each. Order the NOW Product from Fullscript for a 20% Discount: CLICK HERE

The items below are helpful for specific conditions.


This is a POWERFUL proteolytic enzyme. Many people, especially those with inflammation and swelling...particularly my decompression patients, can benefit by adding this to their dietary regimen. It's a Priority product available from Fullscript for a 20% discount: CLICK HERE

High Blood Pressure?

Take Methyl Balance Homocysteine Support

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Do you have high blood pressure or elevated homocysteine levels? Instead of taking prescription drugs like beta-blockers take this product. It "methylates" homocysteine which is the CAUSE of high blood pressure in approximately 85% of the population. It has TMG, which makes Betaine and has the other co-factors necessary to do the job. Although we don't need to take this, I recommend it for those with high BP issues. Available on Fullscript under Klaire Labs at a 20% discount: CLICK HERE

Want to Lose Weight? Berberine DEFINITELY Helps

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Do want to lose weight or just maintain the proper weight? Berberine is PROVEN to help. It ia POTENT mitochondrial causes your body to WASTE energy...that's a GREAT benefit. It also increases fat burning and increases metabolism. It also reduces blood sugar and insulin levels. This is a great product for EVERYONE (we take it daily). This Gundry talk (episode 298 on his podcast) about halfway through he talks all about Berberine. This is a good, inexpensive one through Amazon: CLICK HERE

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